Ladies Compartment (Delhi Metro)
Want to know about the latest fashion triumphing in Delhi, take a
metro token or a smart card and enter the ladies compartment of the Delhi
metro. In a short while you will get to see all varieties of girls in different
types of attires. What kind of footwear is in, what kinds of tops/dresses are
in... you will get to see all, once you put your feet in. You do not even need
a fashion magazine or a makeup artist or a hairstylist to tell you what is the
latest makeup and the hairstyle which is in. Looking at the different attires
that these girls are wearing you will also realise that many of them are
actually not looking great in such a get up but still they want to do it so
that no one considers them to be behind the ones who actually are looking
sensible. People do not understand that merely following some fashion does not
make them smart; one should adapt things that actually suit their personality.
Forgetting an individual’s own self is not the path to be hip.